Weekend Link Love – March 27, 2010

by Derek Clark

Here are some of the great posts I’ve read this week from around the personal finance blogosphere. Check them out if you get a chance.

Well, I maybe not great posts, but I had a guest post called Stop Faking It published at Bible Money Matters earlier this week. You might want to check it out.

Jeff from Delivery Away Debt had a great post of a letter to himself on where he wants to be in 10 years. Writing things down is definitely helpful for goals and it is a great read.

ChristianPF had an interesting post on How to Help Family Members With Money Problems. This is certainly an interesting topic and there a few good tips to consider.

Sweating the Big Stuff wrote Paying $7 Per Night for Light. Sometimes we just don’t think things through and end up wasting money.

The Centsible Life had a good review of Turbo Tax, if you haven’t done your taxes yet you should check it out.

Redeeming Riches gave us 5 Tips to Pay Off Credit Card Debt.

You can Win $100 Cash at the Ultimate Money Blog. I like cash, you like cash, go for it.

Also, my Total Money Makeover giveaway ended last night, the winners will be getting an email today. Congratulations to the winners and thanks so much to everyone who helped make this a successful contest. If you didn’t win, I would really suggest heading over to amazon to pick up a copy. By the way that is an affiliate link, if you buy it I might be able to get a candy bar.


Jason @ Redeeming Riches March 27, 2010 at 7:38 am

Thanks for the mention!!

Forest March 27, 2010 at 1:07 pm

Great link roundup. Jeff’s letter was very heartfelt and the $100 giveaway is another great content from a fellow yakezie.

Daniel March 27, 2010 at 7:58 pm

Thanks for the include!

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