Weekend Link Love – April 10, 2010

by Derek Clark

This was a crazy week for me, my parents were here all week so I didn’t get to write much. I apologize for that, there should be more next week. Luckily, all of my friends picked up the slack and wrote plenty of great articles this week.

Good Steward Keys asks, Am I Crazy For Saying No To A Free Car?

Frugal Zeitgeist says to Watch TV On Your Computer. This can be a great way to save money and cut the cable bill.

Personal Finance Journey wrote 7 Actions for Financial Spring Cleaning. Today is always a good day to get your financial house in order.

Planting Dollars has a nice post about Three of the Best Blog Posts You’ll Ever Read. You should check out all of them. The one from Early Retirement Extreme was my favorite though.

Couple Money has a great Debt Reduction Strategy Guide.

Money Crush is giving away $100 bucks. You should check it out.

{ 1 comment }

Forest April 11, 2010 at 3:21 am

Thanks very very much for the link.

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