Weekend Link Love – March 20, 2010

by Derek Clark

This week was a great start to the launch of this blog. I met a lot of interesting people and read a lot of great blogs. March Madness has also started, and my beloved Buckeyes won their first game. Unfortunately I’ve spent most of this week being sick, and so I haven’t gotten around to writing as many articles as I would have liked for all of my blogs. Hopefully I’ll start to get better and can catch up on some posting and maybe get in a few guest posts as well.

Anyways, check these great blogs from some new friends:

First I want to thank Bob at ChristianPF for publishing my first guest post. Check out Why I Don’t Want a Big Tax Refund Next Year and leave a comment.

Jason at Redeeming Riches had a good piece called How to Overcome Your Idolatry of Money.

Dena from Evolution You had two great guest posts on Enemy of Debt, My Journey to Financial Freedom | Part 1: The Fall and My Journey to Financial Freedom | Part 2: The Climb.

April Dykman from Get Rich Slowly had an interesting post on The Balance Between Splurger and Miser. This is something I tend to struggle with, going from one extreme to the other (spending more time on the miser side).

Co-Signing Risks: Why Co-signing Is A Bad Idea from Bible Money Matters was one of my favorites this week. Proverbs has a lot to teach us about finance and co-signing is one thing that it mentions often.

Financial Samurai had a fun post telling about how Sometimes Saving Money Is About Principle. Also, thanks to this post I’ve decided to join the Yakezie Challenge.

Finally, Elle from Couple Money is giving away a netbook. Check it out for a chance to win.


Financial Samurai March 20, 2010 at 11:40 am

Welcome to the challenge mate! Hope to see you around. With an 11 million Alexa rank currently, I’m sure you will do fantastic!!

Brad Chaffee March 20, 2010 at 11:52 am

Thanks for the mention. I am glad you liked that guest post. Dena did an awesome job!

Good luck in the Alexa Challenge!

Derek Clark March 20, 2010 at 11:53 am

Thanks so much. 11 million seems pretty good since yesterday it was 19 million 🙂 I guess that’s what happens when you start a blog and go from 0 to some small traffic.

Peter March 20, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Thanks for the link! I look forward to a guest post on my site as well! bring it on! 🙂

Derek Clark March 20, 2010 at 1:45 pm

No problem Peter. I’ll be working on that soon.

Dena March 26, 2010 at 7:54 am

Thank you so much for featuring my guest posts about my journey to financial freedom. It was wonderful to write them, to participate in Brad’s tribe, & to hear all of the wonderful feedback/responses/stories.

Excellent sire you have here, I’ll be back for sure. <3

Derek Clark March 26, 2010 at 8:05 am

Thanks so much Dena. I really enjoyed your story, glad you like the site!

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