Weekend Link Love – April 18, 2010

by Derek Clark

Lots of great articles this week from my friends in the personal finance community, if you missed any of them check them out.

Wealth Pilgrim wrote Networking With People – How A Shy Guy Mastered It.

Well-Heeled Blog writes Dream Apartment vs. Shorter Commute: What Would You Do? I’d go with the shorter commute. Mine is 2 minutes and I love it.

MoneyCrush shared A Comedy of Tax-Related Issues.

Bucksome Boomer’s wrote Internet Savings: Are you Taking Advantage of the Opportunities?

Jeff at Delivery Away Debt has some frugal tips to help you save money grocery shopping.

Planting Dollars says Financial Freedom… Now What?

Thanks to Money Help for Christians for including me in Christian Finance Carnival: First Edition.


Craig Ford April 19, 2010 at 6:04 am

Thanks for the link my fellow Yakezie member!

Bucksome April 20, 2010 at 5:30 am

Thank you for the link and help in 31DBBB.

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